If you have taken on the responsibilities of a parent, it’s important to formalize your relationship so that you also have the legal rights that come with being a parent. Third-party parental rights are considered when a third party non-parent assumes the role of a parent and holds himself or herself out as a parent. Whether you are a grandparent, an aunt or uncle, a stepparent or another adult who has had child care responsibilities for an extended time, we can help you get the third-party custody rights you need to fully support the children for whom you are responsible. Our attorneys have contributed their skills in this area to a number of groundbreaking cases that both denied and affirmed third-parent status. Our work in this area is well-respected in the family law community.
Parental Figures Deserve Parental Rights
Child custody can be especially complicated for same-sex couples, regardless of whether one partner is the biological parent. We have years of experience resolving the issues that can come up in this context, and we are committed to helping all families obtain the legal rights they deserve and need to access their children’s school records, make medical decisions and take other important actions in their children’s lives. We use our extensive legal experience and our keen understanding of the law and nuances in a family law case to provide you with trustworthy and knowledgeable representation. Our reputation as honed litigators speaks volumes.